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Soccer coaching software for coaches :
from beginners to College Soccer
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   Session| Program| Organisation of games and exercises| Your role as a trainer| Glossary  
What's a training session ?
Why to prepare a training session ?
Conditions of training and frame of your session
Session's objective
Choice of exercises
Length of the exercises
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What's a training session ?

The purpose of a training session is to allow the team and players to reach set objectives.

Every single session is determined by the objective(s) the trainer wants to reach. The choice of objectives is determined by the age and level of players.

The objective of the session determines the session plan and the content of the session :

The plan :

A training session can be divided into 4 parts :

      - Warm-up
      - Physical
      - Individual technique
      - Tactical

      The session plan may vary from one session to another and from one trainer to another. There is no universal plan. The session plan depends on the set objectives. It is also determined by the number of team weekly trainings, length of those sessions and other variables. Thus, a training session may be composed of only tactical work, only technical work, only physical work or a combination of the 3.

The content :

      The content is composed of the exercises set and advice given. This is the technical message given by the trainer to the players through exercises and games accompanied by demonstrations, explanations and corrections. The content of the session is used by the trainer to give the technical message to the players. Exercises alone are ineffective if they are not accompanied by the technical message.
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