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Soccer coaching software for coaches :
from beginners to College Soccer
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   Session| Program| Organisation of games and exercises| Your role as a trainer| Glossary  
What's a training session ?
Why to prepare a training session ?
Conditions of training and frame of your session
Session's objective
Choice of exercises
Length of the exercises
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Why to prepare a training session ?

Preparing the training session is essential. It allows the trainer to arrive on the field knowing the theme and the objectives of his session, exercises he will set up, the way the session will be run and the technical information he wants to give to players. It's an evidence of quality because the session has been thought and imagined. The session's preparation allows the trainer to live the session is going to run and to determine possible problems that can happen.

A training session is a succession of strong and weak moments. Exercices are preceded and followed by essential moments that are going to fill up the session and make sure it runs well.

The trainer has to :

      - arrive before players to set up exercises (fields, cones, goals, ball, etc.) and be ready to welcome players when they come.

      - plan a welcome game or exercise to keep early arriving players busy (i.e. : juggling.)

      - brief players : before starting the session introduce the session's objectives and some of the exercises you are going to run to reach those objectives.

      - set drink break regularly

      - stretch regularly.

      - cool down at the end.

      - finish with a session check up.

A training session is not a succession of exercises only. A certain number of elements are added to the exercise. It's important to prepare seriously to eliminate the element of surprise.
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